You must USE a fully charged battery within 3 days. Leaving it sit longer, either fully charged, or discharged can damage the battery.
- After use - only recharge to the storage voltage (around the voltage printed on the battery label)
- Before use - charge to the maximum capacity
If you will be using the battery every day - it's fine to charge to max capacity after each use so you're ready for the next day.
If you won't use the battery within three days - or you aren't sure - it's best to charge the battery ONLY to the storage voltage until you're ready to use it again & then charge it to full just before you're going to use it (the day before is fine).
For full instructions click the appropriate link below:
Charging Home Original 11.1v battery
Charging Home Plus 14.8v Battery
See downloads for a print out to keep near your charger.