I never received a reply

When you email support@swiftpaws.com a Customer Success Agent will respond in 24-48 hours (not counting weekends and holidays)

  • Please check your spam folders for our reply
  • Please check your email filters to make sure you are allowing emails from SwiftPaws

If you have contacted SwiftPaws via any other method -  please email support@swiftpaws.com with your question or concern.
Please note: we do not monitor or reply to the following:

  • Commenting to ads
  • Sending an email to anything OTHER support@swiftpaws.com
  • We do not publish a phone number because we do not monitor our number for incoming calls.
  • We do not access or reply to voicemails left on the unmonitored phone line

Occasionally incoming emails are routed to our spam folder - so if you have not heard from us, reach out again!😊

PLEASE NOTE: If you are using a corporate or work email address, their system may be capturing our communications and not allowing replies to get through to you. Contact the IT department (or whomever is in charge of emails) and ask about allowing emails from SwiftPaws. Alternately, reach out using an email address you know will allow emails from SwiftPaws.

Jul 24, 2024

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