Introducing Your Dog to SwiftPaws

Introducing your Pet to Lure Coursing

Even if your doggo loves lure at day care or has attended lure events - it's best to let them know what you expect when you set up  SwiftPaws in their own backyard!

Set up the course without the pup(s) present & test the equipment to make sure everything's set up and running correctly.

The bring out the dogs. We like to allow the dogs to sniff and explore the equipment NOT running - to satisfy their natural curiosity and have a chance to realize there's nothing threatening invading their space. Once they've thoroughly checked it out - it's time to let them know what you expect them to do with their new toy.

It's best if you have a second person to help - one to hold the pup and the other to operate the equipment.

  1. Take your pet into the center of the course, so the flag will be going around you when you start the lure running
  2. Hold onto your pet so you’re ready to release them, but DON’T release them quite yet!
  3. Gently restrain your pet and start to move the flag, you can move the flag back and forth, start and stop, or even go all the way around
  4. Once your pet is showing interest in the flag, that’s the best time to release them and encourage them! Praise them as they spot, chase, capture, and release the flag - which might not happen right away. But once they realize play continues when they let go, they're usually pretty quick to learn this.
  5. Especially if they're allowed to enjoy their victory! So always allow them the "win" of catching the flag. If they want to "kill" it - let them! The flags are biodegradable and you can pick up the bits once the play is over.
  6. Even if they pull the course apart - they're proud of themselves and are just expressing their joy. If they are prone to this, just make it part of the routine to re-stake all the pulleys before each session.

NOTE: dogs who are not allowed to catch the flag quickly lose interest in the game. Just as you probably would if you were invited to pay a game of catch where you were never allowed to touch the ball. 😅

If your pet doesn’t “take” to SwiftPaws right away don’t despair! Some pets take a little longer to get comfortable and start chasing. It’s important not to pressure them to do it, and if they want to go sniff the pulleys/machine/flag and are timid at first, DON’T move anything while they are doing this! You could risk scaring your pet and if they’re afraid of it they certainly won’t chase it!

A couple notes and tips:

  • Pets usually have more interest when they see the flag moving from a distance first. You’ll want to be about 5-10 feet away when they see it move for the first time.
  • If your pet isn’t interested initially keep the introduction short and try again later.
  • You can try letting your pet watch another pet play, they can teach each other how!
  • You can play with the flag like a toy with your pet to show them what you want them focusing on.
  • You can try helping your pet chase the flag… they want to do what you do!
Aug 22, 2024

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