Set Up

  • Steps to take before you set up the course for the first time

    SwiftPaws kits ship with everything you need to set up and run a lure course. Note: The battery must be fully charged before EACH USE - including the first time out of the box. But DON'T charge it until the day (or day before) you're ready to use it! It cannot sit longer than 3 days fully charge...
  • Ideal Conditions for the Perfect Course

    Resistance or "drag" is the #1 consideration when planning your course. Drag is created any time the drive/line encounters resistance. Drag at the most extreme happens when the dog catches the flag or steps on the line. But other things might create drag which also affects the performance of the...
  • How to determine your maximum course size

    SwiftPaws Chase! maximum course size is about 100 feet. SwiftPaws original is designed for courses around 200-300 feet. SwiftPaws Home Plus about 750 feet. These are maximum course sizes - your actual course size will vary so we cannot guarantee an exact size - because there are multiple factors...
  • Is There a Minimum or Maximum Course Size?

    There is no set minimum, but each kit has a maximum course size it is capable of supporting. Chase! maximum course size is 100 feet. Home original maximum is 200-300 feet. Home Plus maximum is 750 feet. Your actual course size may be smaller or if your playing field is ideal, you may be able to r...
  • Factors that limit course size

    Multiple factors come into play that may limit the maximum size of your course. Generally: Chase course size up to approximately 100' - Home Original up to 200'-300' & Home Plus courses up to 750' Anything that adds a load, or "drag" to the system may affect the maximum course size you'll su...
  • Can I set up a smaller course?

    Yes! The course size is variable up to the maximum of your particular kit. You can set up a small course - and then later if you want to make it larger, you can just tie more line onto the existing line. There's no limit to how many knots you can have in the line 😊 200-300 feet for Home original...
  • How to change course size

    Each kit has a maximum size a course may be. However, your actual course size depends on multiple factors including the space available; conditions such as uneven ground or an inclined playing field; if there is tall grass or leaves, etc., the line drags through; type of lure; how many corners/pu...
  • Course configuration diagrams

    SwiftPaws kits ship with either three (3) field pulleys and one main drive - each acting as a "corner" of your course. Additional pulleys are sold in sets of two (2) on our website Adding additional pulleys can increase the complexity of the course but will not increase the size of...
  • You must use the tethers

    Tethers are absolutely necessary - for safety and to maintain the light tension necessary for optimum performance. Learn more in the video below. Tip: you can use a loop of the line to tether the drive and pulleys to the stakes, and you can make the tether any length you need it to be.
  • How to Stake and Why to Tether

    It might seem as if tethers are optional. They are not! Tethers are actually very important. They are for safety and for maintaining steady tension for optimum operation. They allow for very light tension on the line, which is what SwiftPaws requires. Leaving the tethers off, forces you to increa...
  • Field Pulley Placement

    Think of the field pulleys as corners. They can also be strategically placed on high and low points on an uneven playing field to prevent the line from dragging on the ground or rising too high off of the ground!
  • Safety Features

    YOU:  the operator - are an important safety feature! Every pet has a different level of fitness, so it’s important to always watch your pet for signs of getting hot or tired. Your pet will LOVE this game, so it’s up to you to decide when it's time for a break. The Line:  Believe it or not the l...
  • How to set up straight-line course

    All SwiftPaws lure equipment is designed as continuous loop - however you can set it up in a straight line like we do when we operate FAST CAT® events (CAT stands for Coursing Ability Test)– which is a timed 100-yard dash where dogs run one at a time, chasing a lure. The simplest, setup is to pu...
  • Indoor Set Up

    All SwiftPaws Home lure kits can be set up indoors. Consideration must be given to the surface you intend for your dog to run on. We do not recommend setup on bare concrete. Ideally the play surface should be sufficiently padded so that your pup doesn't get hurt in a fall, or suffer injury to it...
  • Threading the line

    The line is threaded around the back of each pulley wheel on the main drive and field pulleys - not completely around it. The more contact the line makes with the main drive pulley, the better it will work. Place pulleys at corners that allow gentle turns - we do not recommend sharp corner turns.
  • Surfaces for Course Setup

    SwiftPaws Home is designed for home/backyard setup. Not everyone has that ideal, perfectly level space. What follows are some guidelines for what is or is not recommended. Ideally the area is fenced. | | | --- | | Ask yourself if YOU would be ok playing on the surface.A good rule of thumb is to...
  • Main Drive Behind Fence

    To limit access to the drive and/or to keep the dog from crossing over the line when they're running - set up the course along a fence with the Main Drive Unit and operator outside the fence. If you only want to limit access to the drive - you can set up the course so that the main drive is behi...
  • Setup on a hill or uneven ground

    SwiftPaws is designed to run on level ground. The possibility of setting up on a hillside depends on the degree of incline. If the hill is too steep, it may not be suitable to set up and run a SwiftPaws course. One way to determine what "too steep" is to try it. It may take some trial and error t...
  • Will SwiftPaws work on bare ground with no lawn?

    Bare ground might be fine - but you'll be the best judge. A good rule of thumb is to think about how you would fair running on the surface you're considering: if you would get hurt if you slipped or fell, it's probably not good for your pup to run and chase on. Excessive dust, loose gravel, stan...
  • Can I leave it Set Up?

    We do NOT recommend this for several reasons addressed in this video. You SHOULD NOT leave the main drive unit outdoors, it is not waterproof or weatherproof - even just moisture like morning dew can fry the electronics. So always store the main drive unit in a climate controlled space.
  • Correct Way to Thread the Line on Drive Pulley

    The more of the pulley the line touches the better grip it will have - allowing you to set the tension lightly as recommended - while getting the maximum grip on the line to move the flag.
  • Introducing Your Dog to SwiftPaws

    Introducing your Pet to Lure Coursing Even if your doggo loves lure at day care or has attended lure events - it's best to let them know what you expect when you set up  SwiftPaws in their own backyard! Set up the course without the pup(s) present & test the equipment to make sure everythin...